How to Calculate BMI

How to Calculate BMI

Calculating BMI (Body Mass Index) is a straightforward process that involves using a simple formula based on a person’s weight and height. Here’s how you can calculate BMI:

  1. Gather the Necessary Information: You’ll need to know your weight in kilograms (kg) and your height in meters (m).
  2. Convert Weight to Kilograms (kg): If your weight is in pounds (lbs), you can convert it to kilograms by dividing the number of pounds by 2.20462. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, divide 150 by 2.20462 to get approximately 68 kg.
  3. Convert Height to Meters (m): If your height is in inches (in), you can convert it to meters by dividing the number of inches by 39.3701. For example, if you are 65 inches tall, divide 65 by 39.3701 to get approximately 1.651 meters.
  4. Square the Height: Multiply your height in meters by itself (height × height). For example, if your height is 1.651 meters, square it by multiplying 1.651 by 1.651 to get approximately 2.730.
  5. Calculate BMI: Divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. The formula is: BMI = weight (kg) / (height × height) (m²). Using the examples above, if your weight is 68 kg and your squared height is 2.730, divide 68 by 2.730 to get approximately 24.89.
  6. Interpret the Result: After calculating your BMI, you can interpret the result to determine your weight status. BMI categories are generally classified as follows:
    • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
    • Normal weight: BMI 18.5–24.9
    • Overweight: BMI 25–29.9
    • Obesity: BMI 30 or higher

Keep in mind that while BMI is a useful tool for assessing weight status for most people, it may not be accurate for everyone, such as athletes with higher muscle mass. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding weight and health.